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About Sunny's Classes

Yoga teacher Cheltenham 

Yoga teacher Gloucestershire 

Yoga Classes Cheltenham 

Yoga Teacher Gloucestershire 

Online Yoga Classes Cheltenham 

Online Yoga Classes Gloucestershire 

Private Yoga Classes Cheltenham 

Private Yoga Classes Gloucestershire 

Advanced Yoga Teacher Cheltenham 

Advanced Yoga Teacher Gloucestershire 

Begin Your Parctice

Vinyasa Yoga

What does this really mean?

We all know practicing Yoga is good for our wellbeing, not only for the physical body but also for our mental mind, emotional and spiritual self. So where does this term Vinyasa come from and what does it mean when we go to a Vinyasa class?

Vinyasa is derived from the Sanskrit word Nyasa, which means placement or sometimes we might think “to place”. The prefix Vi means orderly or we might say “in a special way”.

So Vinyasa means conscious orderly placement of a sequence of events. A flowing sequence of Asanas (postures) linked by breath and intention.

In a Vinyasa Class Sunny will guide you through a sequence of Asanas as one continuous movement from start to finish. Every movement into or out of a posture is linked to an in breath and an out breath with intention - the underlying reason for the practice drives the movement forward. Connecting the breath throughout the practise will leave you balanced, grounded and uplifted physically, mentally and emotionally.

Shantiseva Vinyasa

Shantiseva Vinyasa classes are spiritually taught classes and open to all students. An uplifting flow sequence connecting breath and movement and it includes Pranayama, music, mantras and meditation.

Shantiseva Vinyasa classes connect us with the five nature elements; air, ether, fire, water and earth. This practice will give a real grounding and balance with our connection to nature and Mother Earth. The connection to the earth should be steady and joyful as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras - Sthira Sukham Asanam.

Shantiseva Vinyasa classes also connects us with the spiritual practice of Seva which is Karma yoga - the yoga of action that brings together service with devotion to Bhakti and Shanti which is a Sanskrit term meaning “peace”.

This class focuses on five key points of Vinyasa Yoga;


Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Primary Series is also called Yoga Chikitsa, meaning Yoga therapy, because of the cleansing and toning effect it has on both body and mind. The Primary Series is an inward practise, noticing the body and stepping away from what goes on around you to find stillness in your mind and to focus on your breath.

Sunny will guide you through the Ashtanga Primary series which is suitable for beginners and the more advanced practitioners.

You will learn to follow a set sequence of postures (Asanas) building strength, flexibility and endurance in the physical body. It also realigns, loosens tight muscles and detoxifies the body and nervous system.

Through regular practise, on a mental level, it improves the focus, willpower, mind body awareness and confidence to overcome the mental obstacles in our practise.

On a subtle level the Primary Series helps with clearing the energy channels in the body (Nadis) which allows the breath (Prana) to flow freely through the body allowing the mind and body to connect.

Ashtanga is a dynamic practise but practising it in a mindful way by synchronising the breath count (Ujjayi breath - victorious breath) and the movement of the body it will become a moving meditation. The energy released will connect you with your own beautiful personal practise and with the fellow Yogis around you.

This class will leave you feeling balanced, grounded and uplifted in body, mind and soul.

The Art of Relaxation - Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is “Yogic sleep” and one hour of Yoga Nidra is said to equate to four hours sleep. Yoga Nidra encourages profound relaxation and effortlessness. 

The term Yoga Nidra derives from two Sanskrit words, Yoga meaning union and Nidra meaning sleep. It’s a beautiful practice when one appears to be in a state of sleep, but the consciousness is working on a deeper level of awareness. 

It’s a deep relaxation to harmonise the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential to connect to a meditative state of being. 

This systematic method of inducing complete mental, emotional and physical relaxation is suitable for all practitioners. 

For a busy mind, Yoga Nidra enables to find stillness. It is a great way to bring calm, presence and peace for those who suffer from insomnia and those who are practicing on their mindfulness and awareness. 

For this event, please feel free to bring any props such as blankets, pillows and bolsters to make you feel comfortable for the duration of your practice.

Foundation Class - Beginner & Improver

Have you always wanted to join a Yoga class but don’t know where to go and how to start? Maybe you have practiced Yoga a while ago and would like to brush up on your practice? Do you feel scared about starting because you’re worrying about what other people might think of you or do you think you will look silly because you don’t know the poses? 

Well let’s take all these worries away and read below the reasons why joining a Beginner & Improver Class will give you that confidence in practicing Yoga. 

This course will be taught in small groups to benefit each individual in learning and understanding the foundation practice and postures of Yoga as well as learning why practicing Yoga will enhance the way we are living. Clear and safe instructions will be given to move the body in the right alignment for each person in connection with the breath so it will be easy to follow and understand. 

The Foundation practice will help in an effective way to mindfully strengthen and stretch both the physical body and mental mind, providing support to the emotional and spiritual body too. 

You will leave the studio feeling uplifted and, with your new found confidence, it will give you a kickstart into your Yoga journey.  

So get booking!

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